ALF Club
If your high school or college is interested in starting an Ashley Lauren Foundation Club, please contact Monica Vermeulen at mvermeulen@
How ALF Club Began
The ALF Club was started by Emily Braisted, who was being helped by The Ashley Lauren Foundation while she was battling cancer. We are happy to report Emily is now cancer free and had found a way to give back so that other children can be helped. She founded The Ashley Lauren Foundation Club at Marlboro High School, Marlboro, NJ. She served as President of the ALF Club, where she and other Marlboro High School student club members worked diligently to raise as much money and awareness as possible for the Foundation, along with spreading happiness and joy to the Foundation’s children.

The Ashley Lauren Foundation Club at Rutgers University works diligently to raise funds for The Ashley Lauren Foundation through various fundraising events in addition to bringing smiles to the children through various activities.

Montclair State University's annual Theta Sweetheart fundraiser by Theta Kappa Chi sorority.
We are so grateful to our following sponsors of Chefs Who Care for their generosity: