Our Mission & History


Mission Statement

Unlike national organizations that fund research, we are an independent, New Jersey based non-profit organization, working hands-on with each family. The Ashley Lauren Foundation depends on the support of the community-at-large to provide immediate relief for the daily burdens thrust upon those who are battling pediatric cancer.

The goal of The Ashley Lauren Foundation is to ease the journey when pediatric cancer is diagnosed by providing direct financial, material, and emotional assistance, along with our many programs developed to bring smiles to the children.

The Ashley Lauren Foundation… was founded because of a passion to make a difference in the lives of these families

Monica Vermeulen

Ashley and me Eagle Oaks 2

Our History

In February 1991, my daughter, Ashley, was a typical, energetic 3-year-old child, adored by her family. When Ashley’s diagnosis of Wilms Tumor (kidney cancer) came, our lives were shattered. After losing her left kidney to the disease, Ashley endured many grueling years of chemotherapy, radiation, and their effects. Ashley is now cancer-free and lives with hope in her heart.

For every parent who has heard the words, “Your child has cancer,” it is a moment frozen in time. In one shattering instant, life forever changes. Coping with pediatric cancer is one of the most distressing events that a family has to face. They are thrown into a world of unfamiliar and uncertain terrain.

The Ashley Lauren Foundation, a non-profit, charitable organization incorporated with the State of New Jersey on July 6, 2005, was founded because of a passion to make a difference in the lives of these families. The desire to help others facing the same daily battle of pediatric cancer is held by all of those associated with The Ashley Lauren Foundation.

We are here because we understand. We care. We always want to be there.

Monica Vermeulen
Founder/CEO – Ashley’s Mom

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